Set, Respect, Protect: The Art of Unbreakable Boundaries

Set, Respect, Protect: The Art of Unbreakable Boundaries

Many people – women in particular – struggle with setting boundaries. Boundaries can be particularly challenging to maintain if you tend to be a people-pleaser. Setting boundaries is crucial for your well-being and making time for what’s most important to you. Learn 7 tips to set, respect, and protect your boundaries.

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How to Navigate Your Spouse or Partner’s Job Loss

How to Navigate Your Spouse or Partner’s Job Loss

What can you do if someone you care for has lost their job? Job loss takes its toll on the person who lost their job, impacting them financially, emotionally, and mentally. It can cause stress, anxiety, or depression. It can cause loss of identity, self-esteem, and self-worth. It can also affect their relationships with their spouse, partner, or family, who may experience stress and anxiety as they worry about the individual and the future. It can lead to changes in family roles and responsibilities, which might cause resentment or frustration among family members. Children may sense the stress, leading to emotional or behavioral issues. Financial constraints may impact their education, extracurricular activities, and general well-being. Read for tips on how to navigate your spouse, partner, or friend's job loss, and how you can support them.

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How to Grieve a Job Loss

How to Grieve a Job Loss

Are you grieving the loss of your job? I’ve talked to a lot of people recently who are going through career transitions. They’ve been laid off, or they’re not as fulfilled by their career as they once were. If this is you, I want to share some advice I’ve been sharing with clients. Anytime you go through a transition in life, your identity will shift. When you lose or leave a job, change careers, or experience any major life change, it’s natural to re-examine where you are, where you're going, and what you want in life. For those who’ve lost or left their job, especially for those who identify with their career or even define themselves by their career, it can be a huge loss. Here are specific strategies to assist you if you’re grieving the loss of your job, to help you figure out your next steps.

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